Managing Director & Chief TECHNOLOGY Officer
Jonathan is a co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Arcadia Funds and brings to his role over 35 years of professional experience spanning a range of advanced technology (both hardware development and software applications) and new business development (specifically in marketing, finance, and executive management). As part of the Arcadia team, Jonathan oversees all technology and tools in support of Arcadia’s advanced analytics, reporting and active marketplace loan selection.
Leveraging his strong business experience and technology background, Jonathan often acts as an advisor and strategy consultant to emerging technology companies and their CEOs. Jonathan is an active mentor to aspiring entrepreneurs with Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Venture Mentoring Service.
Jonathan is also affiliated with Launchpad Venture Partners (Boston’s
largest angel investor network) and was a long-time member of CommonAngels (one of Boston’s earliest formal angel investing groups) and has served on its Board of Directors and screening committee. Jonathan also invests in various hedge funds, private equity and institutional venture capital partnerships.
Prior to joining Arcadia, Jonathan was Chairman and CEO of HighPoint Systems, Inc., a market leading, venture-backed, e-commerce infrastructure software company that he founded in 1993. HighPoint was internationally known for innovations in e-commerce consumer appliances, as well as web-based enterprise software. Previous to HighPoint, Jonathan spent 10 years developing technologies for advanced electronics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory. He is internationally known for his research on utilizing new technologies to solve specific application needs in the areas of advanced radar and communications systems.
Jonathan currently serves on the North American Advisory Board to the Dean of MIT’s Sloan School of Management and on the Overseers Advisory Board for the Boston-based WGBH Educational Foundation. His degrees include a Master of Science in Management of Technology degree from MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Mr. Green also earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree and a Master of Science degree in Applied Physics from Stanford University. Mr. Green also earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from MIT. Mr. Green holds six patents; and has published more than forty articles including two book chapters.